Title: Pure (Covenant #2)
Author: Jennifer L. Armentrout
Release Date: April 3rd, 2012
Rating: 5/5
If you've read my previous post, you would know that I had read Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and you would know my absolute love for her books. I mentioned that I was reading it to refresh myself for the next book in the Covenant series, Pure. I finished it in about two seconds and may I just say, it absolutely did not disappoint. I'm pretty sure I just sat down and could not get back up until I was through with it. It's all a little blurry. It was that good. Holy Mary, I'm still reeling from that adventure.
Pure had me jumping with excitement every page. It was stunning, exciting, and heartbreaking. It continues the story right where it left off in Half-Blood with Aiden, Seth, and Alex and it's as emotionally taxing as a nuclear bomb blowing up in the center of my soul. This is one book you do not want to miss ladies and gentlemen. I cannot wait to continue this series and see where it leads. This is all I'm going to say about the ending: "ajhgjiahhljygfklalaieyigAGIUGNBpha." That is all.
Stay tuned for the next adventure.
Until next time, keep reading.