Title: Hopeless
Author: Colleen Hoover
Release Date: December 9th, 2012
Rating: 4/5
Hey Guys!
I know it's been a few months (I'm slacking from my computer duties, I know, how horrible) and I have a HUGE pile of reviews to get through. Just because my computer time lacks, doesn't mean my bookie time takes a punch ;). Anyways, the first review I have for you is Hopeless by Colleen Hoover.
Let me start out by saying this book confused me. Not in the events that were happening, I followed those just fine, but in the way I was left at the end. I felt it almost left me hanging even though I knew there was nowhere else Hoover could have gone with the story. When I was almost finished there were parts where I was like "This book should have ended here." Only to find there were fifty more pages left. I felt like I was slugging my way through the end of the book just so I could put it down and move on. However, I did absolutely love the beginning and middle part of the book. I even like the ending, just not after the ending. If that makes any sense at all.
I loved the way the protagonist, Sky, was written. I loved her character and her personality. She was very relatable. Now Holder was a different story. His emotions and actions were so spread out everywhere I couldn't figure him out. One minute he was flirty, then mad, then sweet, then angry, then yippy, then brooding, then . . . . you see my point. I just could not keep up with this guy and it quite honestly pissed me off.
To top it off, Hoover throws in twists that I never saw coming and were completely unrealistic. Don't get me wrong, I think the idea and main plot behind the book could have been great, but there were so many details that just didn't add up. Like parts with the mother/aunt, how the father ended up,the fact that Sky's friends really had nothing to do with the outcome, and so many other little details that just did not make sense to me.
Overall, this is a very good book. Though it may not seem like it from that review (I must be in a mood or something). I would recommend it to anyone who is a fan of Gayle Forman, Julia Hoban, and Justina Chen Headley. I would give it three out of five stars.
Until next time, Keep Reading!