Sunday, July 20, 2014


Title: City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6)
Author: Cassandra Clare
Release Date: May 27th, 2014
My Rating: 5/5

Hello all,
It is official. I have finished. It is done. And I can't believe it. I started reading this series in seventh grade, and now, as a new college student, I have finished. It took me around two weeks, but I could not imagine a better ending to this series. Cassandra Clare is the master of successfully closing one series while simultaneously opening another (In this case, The Dark Artifices). I'm sad to see these characters and this story go, but I can't wait to continue on in Clare's world in her upcoming books.

This entire book was filled with excitement, humor, and plot twists. However, I didn't actually get into it until page 500, which sucked because there are only 725 pages. I also really fell in love with the Blackthorn children and Emma. They were meant to be a smaller part of the book, but I loved reading from their point of view(s). I can't wait to continue their story in The Dark Artifices.

I've always loved Jace, Clary, and Simon, but surprisingly, I've never liked Alec very much. Until this book. Before this installment, he always seemed weak and whiny to me. In this book however, he becomes brave and loving and caring. He really redeemed himself in my eyes.

Alright everyone, I don't think I can go on any longer without spoilers, so if you haven't read the books, it's time for you to log off and get to the bookstore. These books are great and I insist you read them (even though I will admit books four and five are a little hard to get through).

Spoilers below Picture:


Thank goodness, I can speak freely now. Honestly, I'm having a hard time getting all my feelings to type out and kind of wish I could do a video, but I don't know how. So I'm going to try to get everything out, stick with me here: 

First of all, I was surprisingly upset by the whole attack on the werewolves. But I was more upset with Maia. She kept telling herself to tell Jordan she was breaking up with him, and she never did. To me, that made her seem weak. But she totally made up for it with the whole Bat/Leader of the pack thing. I can't say I was surprised or upset about Jordan, however. It is true, he had somewhat grown on me while he was protecting Simon and helping Jace, but I totally saw that coming. ALL THE WEREWOLVES AROUND YOU ARE DEAD. WHO DO YOU THINK IS NEXT? Jeesh. Common sense would have been nice. On a twisted note however, I am glad he died because it helped out the rest of the novel with Maia and Bat. 

Speaking of which, I loved seeing inside the pack. In this novel, the pack mentality is really shown with Luke as missing leader, and Bat stepping up as Beta, and then the fight scene with Rufus. I really loved watching Maia kick his ass. I was totally unsurprised when Bat and Maia kinda-sorta ended up together. 

Alec and Magnus. What can I say about them? All throughout the series, I was never a fan of Alec. He was always the annoying one that was sensible, when everyone else didn't want to be sensible. In this book, I did grow to like him. He was more brave and confident, especially when looking for Magnus. I finally saw passion in him, and it made him more relate-able. And I've always been a fan of Magnus. His sass is not missing at all from this installment. I loved the scene when we find out who his father is. I think that made Magnus more human and seem apart of the entire group. 

I still love Jace and Clary. Nothing in that relationship has changed except they seem more serious about each other and I love it. I also love how Clary is no longer the uneducated shadowhunter who screws everything up. She now saves the day without any faults of her own. She is stronger and better, and will continue to be so. 

Simon. Ah, Simon. When his memories were taken away, I actually wondered why Clare would do such a thing to a loyal reader, such as I. I really don't know why his memories had to be taken away if Magnus was just going to find a way to give them back. Maybe I'm just upset because I didn't like it, but I don't think that really needed to happen. It was just more heartbreak and confusion in a book that already had enough of both. However, I did like Simon becoming mortal again. I look forward to (crackpot theory) seeing him become a shadowhunter in the next series. I also love Isabelle much more in this book than in the others. (I didn't know where to put that, so I put it here.)

I loved the Blackthorn children (I include Emma as one of them, even though she's a Carstairs). I can't wait to read more about them in The Dark Artifices. I also love how we meed Emma as a bad-ass from the beginning. She was never a weak girl who had to learn everything. It's almost like she's the Jace or Will in upcoming stories. 

In the end of the book, I could not believe the deal the consul made with the fair folk. It was horrendous and demeaning. If I were in that room, I would hope I had the guts to stand up like Magnus and tell Jia she is making a mistake. I definitely think that element will come back into play in the next series. As soon as the fairies went against the shadowhunters, I wondered what would happen to Helen and Mark because of it. And I am so angry at that one guy that stood up and refused to let Helen stay with the shadowhunters. He's definitely going on my kill list even if I don't know his name. 

There isn't much to say about Luke and Jocelyn. I still love them and their wedding was beautiful. 

I really enjoyed seeing Tessa and James (or Brother Zachariah). I loved The Infernal Devices, and am really glad to see them reappear in the upcoming series. 

Last but not least, Sebastian. I hated him. Absolutely hated him throughout the entire series. And then, in the blink of an eye, I loved him. Well not him. I loved Jonathan. It ripped my heart apart, seeing him, how he would have been if it weren't for Valentine. I wish he could have lived as Jonathan and Clary could have had her dream come true. However, like in any great novel, that can't happen, and Cassandra Clare continued to rip my hopes out of my chest. But the book wouldn't have been the same without it. 

Overall, this book was amazing. I give it 5/5. It was the perfect ending to a legendary series. I don't think I could be happier. 

Well, I think that's all I have to say for today. My brain is fried and I'm all typed out. I'll probably reread this and remember something important I forgot to discuss, but for now, thanks for sticking with me through that. I know it was messy, but that's how my brain is right now. 

Until next time, Keep Reading!

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